How The Cloud Modifies Software Product Engineering

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is becoming a more popular and enticing alternative to traditional software as a product as the cloud grows. Software as a service is hosted on a platform that caters to a specific use case for the service.

SaaS is used in a wide range of industries, from finance to manufacturing. Consider the gaming sector, where cloud-based gaming has transformed the scene with multiplayer online editions. For decision trees and pathfinding, these games use real-time simulation, huge processing power, and AI. AI has benefited gaming in a variety of ways, from design and development to functionality and gameplay.

These applications, however, require a massively distributed processing and streaming platform that provides secure access to all players. Because it is very expensive and difficult for game businesses to develop these enormous gaming platforms independently, only the cloud can make this viable. Furthermore, any game software normally requires three components: a SW infrastructure platform, application logic, and ecosystem integration. Instead of developing their own infrastructure and ecosystem, today’s gaming software firms rely on the cloud. This allows them to concentrate on their core skill of gaming logic while reducing time to market and development costs.

A Revolution in Development, Deployment, and Operations

Cloud native computing alters the creation, deployment, and operation of a standard software product/application in various ways:


Products and applications are now designed as lightweight, standalone, autonomous containers that include all necessary services and are then deployed as microservices. Different functionalities are constructed as independent microservices and orchestrated using an engine, typically Kubernetes. Through rapid DevOps methods and continuous delivery workflows, the entire infrastructure is controlled as an elastic infrastructure.


Scalable storage options in the cloud include object stores, file stores, and network file systems (NFS). Cloud native storage, like cloud native development of applications, must use microservices and modular architecture. Developers can simply define the data storage criteria, allowing data to be automatically saved in different places based on its criticality. The cloud will then handle data backup and restoration according to the developer’s standards. Storage quotas and network policies can also be assigned by operators and accessed by developers and resource administrators.

Applied Technologies

The cloud provides a variety of development environments in which any service may be constructed using best-in-class technologies and frameworks appropriate for the functions. Services use a range of languages, runtimes, and frameworks because cloud native applications are polyglot.


Instead of a single relational database management system (RDBMS), cloud native apps make use of a variety of purpose-built databases tailored to certain functions. Rather to implementing these services as part of an application, developers can use these databases for storing, managing, and extracting data. Amazon RDS, for example, has numerous database instance types that are optimised for memory, performance, and database engines, including Amazon Aurora, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, and SQL Server. Finally, cloud native databases offer benefits like as portability, improved security, scalability, and significant cost reductions.


In an agile DevOps process, each service in a cloud native application has its own lifespan. Multiple continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines work in parallel to deploy and manage it during this lifespan. Cloud native apps are also highly automated and fit nicely with the infrastructure as code paradigm. Most workload management functions, including as deployment, update, monitoring, and scaling, can be performed automatically based on policy.


In a cloud native environment, security is a shared responsibility. While developers must secure application logic, cloud native services utilised by developers must be secured by the cloud provider. AWS, for example, monitors its infrastructure across the world around the clock, offers services to increase anonymity, regulates network access, and offers security monitoring services.

Native Cloud Focus

Cloud native computing allows developers to focus more on their core business by utilising cloud native technologies to build products or platforms at scale. To reap the most benefits from this seismic shift in software product engineering, developers must:

Adapt a mindset that constantly adjusts to changing needs – Because software changes will be continuous, periodic releases will be obsolete. Create items that can adapt and alter in the future, allowing you to respond to changing client wants and expectations on short notice.

Engineer experiences and use the cloud to accelerate experiential growth – Concentrate on improving customer experiences and income streams. Rather than focusing solely on UI/UX, innovation and new experiences should encompass all areas of the user experience, including upgrades, integration, management, and security.

Drive digital transformation with AI – Take a fresh approach that leverages AI to unlock the full potential of everything. Beyond employing AI solely for automation, consider the new frontiers of release planning, future development, issue resolution, and thorough visualisation.

Transition to on-demand scaling and optimised cloud utilisation – By making products cloud native, simplifying operations, securing products with tools, and having complete operational control, you can eliminate complexity and optimise cloud expenses.

Create a continuous innovation engine by leveraging today’s enormous scale of disruptive cloud technologies to innovate products and platforms.

Identify a new licensing and commercial model – Per-use licencing is no longer required. The cloud opens up a plethora of new business and monetization models that may be personalised or customised for various end users.

Cloud-native applications allow developers to concentrate more on essential business operations, such as product conception, customer-centricity, consumption, and economies of scale. Because the cloud makes huge computing power available to everyone, it can shorten product lifecycles and increase interoperability because product requirements meet the cloud native architecture’s common principles.


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